Carne Gate


Carne Gate, called Minjoar by the Moslems and of Almoravide origin, was the only exit to the exterior from the fenced Jewish quarter district. It was situated at the point at which the current Santa María la Blanca street meets Cano Cueto street, where the market was located. During the course of it history it has received various names such as the Perlas gate, the Jewish quarter gate, as it was the direct entry from the city to the latter, and the one that stuck, Carne (meat) gate, as there was an abattoir on the outskirts of the city constructed at the time of the Catholic Monarchs and immortalized by Cervantes in his Coloquio de los perros (Colloquy on dogs), said to be one of the three places which the King had yet to conquer in Seville and where Berganza was born, one of his characters.

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