Hevra (Talmud Tora) Synagogue

Synagogue Attractions

Hevra Sinagogue’s name is mentioned in very old texts as “Talmud Torah”. Known to have existed during the period of Joseph Escapa, in the 17th century, this synagogue was burnt in fires and rebuilt several times. Rebuilt after the fire in 1838 by Chelebi and Menahem Hacez brothers, it was burnt again in the fire of 1841 and remained in a ruined state for many years.
Built in the central plan, the Hevra Synagogue is a typical Izmir synagogue with its Tevah, triple Ehal composition and Midrash. The Tevah here, alike to Shalom Synagogue, was in the form of the prow of a galley inspired by the Ottoman galleys which brought the Jews from Spain. The huge number of the Sefer Torah (Torah scrolls) once available in the Hevra Synagogue, ensured a prestigious status.
The roof of Hevra Synagogue collapsed in 1999. Rescue works have been completed in 2020, but the restoration of the synagogue is yet to be started.

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