Jewish Quarters

Jewish Quarters

Although its first Jewish quarter was in the district of Elgacena, it was abandoned centuries ago and it is believed that its old synagogue was in what is now the Church of Santa María Jus del Castillo. As the years went by, the Jewish presence became more important and the new Jewish quarter was created next to the walls of Belmecher Castle. The Estella-Lizarra Jewish quarter was the third most important in the Kingdom of Navarre.

Today the buildings which made up the new Estella Jewish Quarter are no longer visible. The only visible part of the Jewish Quarter is the wall which defended it. It is a 300 m long stretch built from white limestone. The remains of a tower can be seen with two defensive walls alongside a gate which opens providing access to the former Jewish quarter. It is recommended to take a walk along the wall and imagine what life was like in one of the most influential Jewish communities of the Kingdom of Navarre.

While most of the Jewish quarter is no longer visible recently their has been major archaeological breakthroughs and progress inside the district which allowed for the reconstruction of some of the major buildings in the quarter.

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